An Introduction to How We Share Finite Resources

I don’t think this should be a category. 

A finite resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption. BUT a well managed fishery doesn’t fit this category???

How We Share Finite Resources

Fisheries Management

Fisheries management sets out the rules for sustainable fishing. These rules can apply to specific species, whole fisheries, fish stocks and ecosystems. Fisheries management is a process of decision-making, allocation of resources and formulation and implementation of regulations or rules. These rules govern fisheries activities to ensure the continued productivity of the resources and the accomplishment of other fisheries objectives.

The tools used to manage fisheries generally include the following three components:

  • Science and research that informs fisheries management.
  • Regulations and other management arrangements that set-out fisheries rules.
  • Enforcement and monitoring to enusure the rules are followed.

Fisheries management is undertaken by government agencies but relies on the input of stakeholders such as fishers and environmental NGOs as well as external scientists.


More Information

Harvest Strategy

A harvest strategy is an agreed process used to manage a fishery. The elements of a harvest strategy include what and how data is collected, how the data is assessed, rules for what happens if indicators hit certain levels and the management actions that are intended to achieve agreed ecological, economic and/or social objectives.  A havest strategy clearly describes what is considered a ‘healthy’ or sustainable fish stock, what needs to be measured to see if the fish stock is healthy, and what intervention needs to be taken if the stock is considered unhealth.  Harvest strategies are transparent and consistent decision-making frameworks that give stakeholders an understanding of how fisheries will be managed.



Resources and organisations about sustainable fishing.


All of the industry lingo explained in one place.

Policies and Legislation

Fishery legislation resources.