Directory of Fishery Resources



Abalone Council Australia Ltd (ACA)

The Abalone Council Australia (ACA) is the peak industry body representing the wild-harvest abalone Industry from the five producing states of Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales. One of the primary functions of ACA is to oversee and manage national Research and Development investment in abalone related research.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Abalone Victoria Central Zone

Abalone Victoria (Central Zone) Limited (AVCZ) was established in 2015 to represent the views and interests of its members and to ensure appropriate governance of member resources.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Aboriginal Fishing Advisory Council

The Aboriginal Fishing Advisory Council (AFAC) provides strategic level advice to the Minister for Primary Industries on issues affecting Aboriginal fishing. The Council plays an important role in the development of cultural fishing policy as well as exploring commercial opportunities for Aboriginal communities associated with fishing activities.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: Indigenous, Peak body

Amateur Fishermen’s Association of the Northern Territory (AFANT)

The Amateur Fishermen’s Association of the Northern Territory (AFANT) is an independent body that represents and advocates the interests of recreational fishers to Government, industry and other organisations.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Anindilyakawa Land Council

The Anindilyakwa Land Council’s Mission is to assist Indigenous people in the Groote archipelago by:
  • Enhancing their inherent rights and interests, including their rights to land, territories and resources, deriving from their culture, traditions and customary laws;
  • Empowering their control over developments affecting their land, territories, resources and culture;
  • Providing greater unity by provision of equitable representation and an unbiased focus for political, social, economic and cultural action and research;
  • To lay the foundation for a Future Groote economy post current GEMCO mining activity.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies undertakes world-best integrated research for sustainable use and management of coral reefs.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: All fisheries

Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research

The Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research (ARI) is a leading centre for applied ecological research, with an emphasis on flora, fauna and biodiversity issues. ARI’s main focus is on providing strategic research and management advice to answer key questions affecting ecologically sustainable land or water management and resource use policies.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: All fisheries, Research providers

Australian Antarctic Division

The Australian Antarctic Division is part of the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. The Division, based in Kingston, Tasmania, leads and coordinates and delivers the Australian Antarctic Program.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Research providers

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences

ABARES is the research arm of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Their mission is to provide professionally independent data, research, analysis and advice that informs public and private decisions affecting Australian agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Research providers

Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries

The mission of the Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries is to support members in ongoing responsible sustainable production of high quality prawns from healthy productive marine ecosystems by a professional, cooperative and profitable industry, respected and valued by the Australian community.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is the Australian Government agency responsible for the efficient management and sustainable use of Commonwealth fish resources on behalf of the Australian community.  They manage and monitor commercial Commonwealth fishing to ensure Australian fish stocks and our fishing industry are viable now and in the future. By doing so, they are aiming to make sure that healthy and fresh local seafood is available and affordable to all Australians for current and future generations.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Management authority

Australian Marine Sciences Association

The Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) is Australia’s peak professional body for marine scientists from all disciplines and for over 50 years has promoted all aspects of marine science in Australia.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Peak body

Australian Maritime College 

The AMC is the national institute for maritime education, training and research. They offer a wide range of courses from vocational training through to bachelor and postgraduate degrees and doctorates, spanning the areas of:

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Australian National Sportfishing Association

Australian National Sportfishing Association (ANSA) is the peak body for sportfishing in Australia and encompasses all the needs of the beginner as well as the experienced angler. It represents recreational sportfishers through various branches and affiliated clubs in Australia.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF)

The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) is the peak representative body for recreational fising to the Australian Federal Government. It is a partnership between State peak fishing bodies, representative organisations and fish habitat groups.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Australian Underwater Federation

The Australian Underwater Federation (AUF) is the governing body for underwater sports and amateur diving in Australia. The spearfishing arm of the AUF has the financial capacity and public mandate to advocate for the sustainable use of our marine environment.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Barengi Gadjin Land Council

Barengi Gadjin Land Council (BGLC) represents Traditional Owners from the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk peoples, who were recognised in a 2005 Native Title Consent Determination, the first in south-eastern Australia. The BGLC is the Federally recognised authority to speak on behalf of the Wotjobaluk peoples, and are the only body in the region with the legislative authority to make legal decisions about cultural heritage.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Cape York Land Council

The mission of the Cape York Land Council (CYLC) is through their consultation, engagement, advocacy and leadership, to empower Cape York Aboriginal people to assert, establish and manage their rights and interests in land and sea to produce social, cultural and economic benefits.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Central Land Council

The CLC represent and provide services to Aboriginal people of Central Australia.  They are comprised of a council of 90 Aboriginal women and men elected by Central Australian communities to represent them, fight for their rights, help them reclaim and manage their land and realise the opportunities that come with the recognition of property rights.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Central QALC

The Central QALC are represented by North Queensland Land Council.  They aim to protect the interests and further the aspirations of Aboriginal communities.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: Indigenous

Centre for Marine Science – University of Queensland

The Centre for Marine Science comprises one of the largest and most diverse groups of marine experts in Australia. Their expertise spans the sciences and engineering, social sciences, business, management and law, and we form strong transdisciplinary partnerships across the world to target major challenges facing our oceans and coastal habitats.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: All fisheries

Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) Curtin University

Founded in 1985, the Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) comprises a multi-skilled group of scientists and engineers committed to the development of technical ocean-related skills in Australia. The Centre has earned a reputation as a high-quality marine technology research and development facility responsive to industry and government needs.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Centre for Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture – James Cook University

The Centre for Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture specialises in the sustainable exploitation of tropical aquatic species, supporting food security through knowledge.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) was established by an international convention in 1982 with the objective of conserving Antarctic marine life. CCAMLR is an international commission with 26 Members, and a further 10 countries have acceded to the Convention. Based on the best available scientific information, the Commission agrees on a set of conservation measures that determine the use of marine living resources in the Antarctic.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Management authority, Research providers

Commonwealth Fisheries Association

The Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA) is the peak body representing the collective rights, responsibilities and interests of diverse commercial fishing industries in Commonwealth Waters.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Peak body


The CSIRO works with industry, government and the research community to turn science into solutions to address Australia’s greatest challenges, including food security and quality; clean energy and resources; health and wellbeing; resilient and valuable environments; innovative industries; and a secure Australia and region.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Research providers

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environement

DAWE is a Commonwealth agency that works to protect and strengthen our agriculture, water resources, the environment and our heritage.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 

A primary responsibility of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is to conserve, sustainably develop and share the use of Western Australia’s aquatic resources and their ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations. They do this through managing fisheries and aquatic ecosystems, assessment and monitoring of fish stocks, enforcement and education, biosecurity management and licensing commercial and recreational fishing activity, including commercial aquaculture.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) Fisheries and Aquaculture division

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) Fisheries and Aquaculture division enables the sustainable development of South Australia’s aquatic resources and the balanced growth of their fisheries and aquaculture industries. PIRSA manages South Australia’s fish stocks in partnership with industry and the community.

Jurisdiction: South Australia
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment is ​Tasmania’s lead natural resources agency, responsible for the sustainable management of the State’s natural and cultural heritage and the integrity of the racing industry for the benefit of the Tasmanian community.

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation

The Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation are committed to work together with all relevant agencies to ensure that our sea country remains healthy, their sites and stories are protected, and marine resources are used sustainably.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Eastern Zone Abalone Industry Association

The Eastern Zone Abalone Industry Association represent fishers divers and quota owners of the Eastern Zone Abalone Fishery.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Fishcare NSW

Fishcare volunteers talk to anglers about fishing rules, responsible fishing and help in a range of activities, such as fishing workshops, surveys, school incursions and community fishing events.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: Community body, Recreational

Fishcare South Australia

Fishcare Volunteers help with fishing education programs that include:
  • giving advice and assistance to the public
  • educating recreational fishers about South Australian fishing rules and regulations
  • handing out fisheries information brochures and educational devices
  • attending community events throughout the state.

Jurisdiction: South Australia
Sector: Community body, Recreational

Fishcare Tasmania

Fishcare Tasmania is a program that educates the community about responsible fishing practices. Their volunteers attend fishing events, conduct fishing clinics and maintain signage at local fishing spots.​

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: Community body, Recreational

Fishcare Victoria

Fishcare work to promote responsible fishing practices and increased stewardship of Victoria’s aquatic environments. They are operated by volunteers and are funded through the Recreational Fishing Licence trust fund.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Community body, Recreational

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation

The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) invests in research, development and extension activities to increase economic, social and environmental benefits for Australian fishing and aquaculture, and the wider community.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Research Development Corporations

Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) 

The Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) represents members of game fishing clubs throughout Australia. Established in 1938 GFAA it is the longest established national fishing association in the world.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Goldfields Land and Sea Council

The Aboriginal people of the Western Australian Goldfields region have been looking after and managing their traditional country for over 60,000 years. GLSC has developed a Goldfields Ranger Program over the last ten years, drawing on this accumulated wealth of knowledge and experience and applying it in a context that provides an opportunity for employment on country for the local Aboriginal community.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Great Australian Bight Fishing Industry Association (GABIA)

The Great Australian Bight Fishing Industry Association (GABIA) works closely with the Commonwealth and State governments, researchers and other stakeholders, to help shape the sustainable future and controlled use of the clean, pristine waters of the Great Australian Bight.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) are a strong, efficient and agile natural resource regulator entrusted by Australia with the responsibility of managing the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Their management and the best available science to protect values, reduce threats, and improve the current and long-term outlook for the Reef and the communities that depend on it. GBRMPA works together with Traditional Owners, other Australian and Queensland government agencies, industry, community organisations, and individuals to help achieve protect and manage the Reef.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Indigenous Ranger Groups

There are over 100 Indigenous Ranger Groups around Australia. Indigenous ranger projects support Indigenous people to combine traditional knowledge with conservation training to protect and manage their land, sea and culture. This includes activities such as bushfire mitigation, protection of threatened species, and biosecurity compliance.  Indigenous ranger groups also develop partnerships with research, education, philanthropic and commercial organisations to share skills and knowledge, engage with schools, and generate additional income and jobs in the environmental, biosecurity, heritage and other sectors.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous ranger groups

Indigenous Reference Group (IRG)

In addition to its leadership and strategic roles, the Indigenous Reference Group (IRG) advises the FRDC on allocation of subprogram funds to projects consistent with stakeholder priorities and relevant R&D plans; actively oversees progress of projects under its direct management; and provides technical advice to the FRDC on issues, applications and projects beyond those under its management. The IRG  is managed by an expertise-based steering and scientific committee, appointed by the FRDC.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Advisory group, Indigenous

Inland Fisheries Service (IFS)

The Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) is a Tasmanian State Government body. They operate under the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 and are overseen by the Director of Inland Fisheries and the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council. The IFS manages all fish and fisheries in inland waters.

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)

The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) works collaboratively with partners across the globe, to deliver their research to users across governments, industries, institutions, and communities. They educate and mentor the next generation of world leaders in science, technology, and policy through competitive and rigorous university programs.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Research providers

Integrated Marine Observing System

Since 2006, IMOS has been routinely operating a wide range of observing equipment throughout Australia’s coastal and open oceans, making all of its data accessible to the marine and climate science community, other stakeholders and users, and international collaborators.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, research consortium

Kimberley Land Council

The Kimberley Land Council is the peak Indigenous body in the Kimberley region working with Aboriginal people to secure native title, conduct conservation and land management activities and develop cultural business enterprises.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Lakes Entrance Fishermen’s Co-operative Ltd (LEFCOL)

The Lakes Entrance Fishermen’s Co-operative Ltd (LEFCOL) has established itself as one of the most important voices in the Australian Fishing Industry and is the largest (fleet and throughput) fishing co-operatives in Australia.  Lakes Entrance is situated in the most strategic position of the very large South East trawl area of Australia, which stretches from the Victorian/South Australia border around to the Northern New South Wales and includes Tasmania.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Co-operative/fish market, Commercial

Macquarie University Marine Ecology Group

Research in the Marine Ecology Group (MEG) is diverse and centers on the following four main areas of expertise:
  1. Impacts of climate change on resilience and sustainability of marine systems
  2. Ecology and behaviour of marine organisms
  3. Conservation and sustainability
  4. Aquaculture of sea urchins
While these research areas appear disparate, they have the unifying theme of assessing human impacts (e.g., climate change, commercial fishing) on ecological resilience. They have a particular focus on threatened species, and those that have the capacity to impart substantial community changes, such as ecosystem engineers.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Marine National Facility – CSIRO

The Marine National Facility (MNF) operates the multidisciplinary ocean Research Vessel (RV) Investigator and maintains a suite of advanced scientific equipment, as well as a library of over 35 years of marine data, to enable a wide range of research to benefit the nation.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Research providers

Marine, Freshwater and Aquaculture Sciences (MFAS) – Deakin University

The MFAS’s research focus is on aquatic areas including marine biology, aquatic wildlife and aquaculture, ecology and coastal, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems management. It also supports local and national industries, communities we live in, helping to improve their environmental and economic sustainability.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Master Fish Merchants’ Association of Australia

The Master Fish Merchants’ Association of Australia (MFMA) is a not-for-profit organisation that represents businesses that buy and sell seafood products. Membership is open to seafood retailers, wholesalers, processors, co-operatives, mobile vendors and any other organisation considered by the Management Committee to have an interest in the selling of seafood. The MFMA is administered by a Management Committee of seven financial members elected annually by popular vote, overseen by the NSW State Electoral Commission.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Melbourne Seafood Centre

The Melbourne Seafood Centre is a wholesale-only market, selling catch from fishing regions across Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia as well as New Zealand, Indonesia, Fiji and the Cook Islands.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Co-operative/fish market, Commercial

Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA)

The Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) was established as an independent expertise-based statutory agency. They are responsible for planning the Basin’s water resources, with all planning decisions made in the interest of the Basin as a whole.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority, Research providers

National Marine Science Committee

The National Marine Science Committee is an advisory body linking high quality marine science and the sustainable growth and development of Australia’s blue economy. The Committee assists coordination and information-sharing between Australia’s research institutions, universities, Commonwealth and State/Territory governments, and the broader Australian marine science community.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, research consortium

NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub

The NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub fund nationally-consistent research to help decision-makers manage and conserve Australia’s marine biodiversity. Their projects range from establishing monitoring baselines for Australian marine parks, to quantifying the risk of shipping to large marine fauna.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Peak body

Ngaanyatjarra Council

The Ngaanyatjarra Council is the principal organisation in a large conglomerate of Ngaanyatjarra service delivery organisations.  The main objective of the Council is to support the development of its members through direct involvement in a variety of initiatives relating to health, education, training, employment, housing, law and justice matters, finance, land management and a variety of viable commercial enterprises.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory, Western Australia
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA)

The North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) is an Indigenous led not-for-profit company operating across north Australia. They work to assist Indigenous people manage their country sustainably for future generations. NAILSMA provides Indigenous leadership in the delivery of large-scale and complex programs that meet the environmental, social, cultural, and economic needs of Indigenous people across northern Australia. NAILSMA works with all stakeholders to realise its philosophy of looking after country by empowering Indigenous people to take control of their lands and sea.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils, Indigenous ranger groups, Management authority, Peak body

North Queensland Aboriginal Land Council

The NQLC’s mission to ensure that the native title rights and interests of every traditional owner within their region is legally recognised, and for Aboriginal people to benefit culturally, socially and economically from the secure possession of their traditional land and waters.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: Indigenous

Northern Land Council (NLC)

The Northern Land Council (NLC) is an independent statutory authority of the Commonwealth that is responsible for assisting Aboriginal peoples in the Top End of the Northern Territory to acquire and manage their traditional lands and seas.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC)

The mission of the NPARC is to provide unity and cohesion across the Northern Peninsula Area’s five communities and to establish the unified NPA community as a single point of accountability, with Government service providers as enablers (not the implementers).

Jurisdiction: Queensland, Torres Strait
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Northern Prawn Fishing Industry 

The Northern Prawn Fishing Industry Pty Ltd (NPF Industry)  is a collective of trawler operators, processors and marketers acting together as a voice for the industry in the Northern Prawn Fishery. They work closely with government, scientists and regulators to ensure the wild areas of the Northern Prawn Fishery are responsibly and sustainably managed.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Northern Territory Government

The Northern Territory Government manage commercial fishing and aquaculture, marine pests, biosecurity, Indigenous fishing, recreational fishing, boat ramps and boat rules and safety.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Northern Territory Seafood Council (NTSC)

The NTSC is the peak industry body representing professional fishing, pearling and aquaculture enterprises as well as trader/processors in Northern Territory. Their vision is The Northern Territory seafood industry is a trusted, stable and prosperous industry which is continually earning its social licence to operate.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

NSW Aboriginal Fishing Rights Group

The NSW Aboriginal Fishing Rights Group lobby for Indigenous fishing rights. They have campaigned to have their fishing values recognised and respected.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: Indigenous, Peak body

NSW Department of Primary Industries

The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is responsible for the management of the States fisheries resources, aquaculture, habitats and biosecurity.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

OceanWatch Australia

OceanWatch Australia Ltd is a national not-for-profit environmental company that works to advance sustainability in the Australian seafood industry and operates community based coastal habitat restoration programs.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Commercial


OzFish Unlimited is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping the millions of Aussie recreational fishers take control of the health of their rivers, lakes and estuaries. OzFish Unlimited partners with fishers and the broader community to invest time and money into the protection and restoration of our waterways, counteracting decades of degradation.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Recreational

Parks Australia

Parks Australia looks after Australia’s six national parks, 58 marine parks and the Australian National Botanic Gardens. Their purpose is to protect, conserve and enhance the values of Commonwealth parks and gardens for the use and well-being of all Australians.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Professional Fishermen’s Association (PFA)

The Professional Fishermen’s Association (PFA) is recognised as the peak body for NSW wild harvest commercial fishers, providing effective representation to all levels of government and other key stakeholders. Their vision is for Secure, viable and sustainable wild harvest commercial fisheries in NSW.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) creates value for Queensland by connecting industries, the community and government to grow the economy and safeguard the natural environment. They manage community resources, applying science to improve production and products, leading the fight on animal and plant pests and diseases, and working constructively with stakeholders for mutual benefit.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA) 

The Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA) is the seafood industry peak body representing Queensland wild caught fishermen and post harvest operators. These include licensed commercial fishermen, wholesale and retail merchants along with allied industries that make up the wider seafood sector.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Queensland Seafood Marketers Association

The Queensland Seafood Marketers Association (QSMA) is all about making sure the world knows about it. The QSMA’s strength and continued success are due to its membership of post-harvest seafood professionals who value Queensland seafood and contribute expertise and collective vision to the continuous development of the Queensland seafood industry.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

RecFish SA

RecFish SA is the nationally recognised peak body for recreational fishing in South Australia. They undertake a range of projects like fish stocking, habitat enhancement and fishing clinics, to benefit recreational fishers. RecFish SA’s membership is made up of individuals and organisations, including fishing clubs and associations, regional Recreational Fisheries Committees, coastal progress associations, and recreational fishing related businesses.

Jurisdiction: South Australia
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Recfishing Research

Recfishing Research is a national Subprogram for the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, established to guide investment in national Research, Development and Extension (RDE) addressing key priorities of the recreational fishing community. Recfishing Research also plays an important role in communicating research results to the recreational fishing community.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Advisory group, Recreational


Recfishwest is the peak body representing the interests of 750,000 recreational fishers in Western Australia. They are a not-for-profit community based organisation that strives to ensure high quality recreational fishing experiences are maintained and enjoyed as an integral part of the WA lifestyle.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW

The Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW is the peak representative body for recreational fishers in NSW. They represent the interests of anglers in the management of the State’s recreational fisheries, promote sustainable fishing practices, encourage the participation of children, help secure rights to fishing access, encourage recreational anglers to become involved in the well-being of the fishery, promote consultation and communication.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods – Charles Darwin University

RIEL’s research aims to improve understanding and management of natural and human systems in northern Australia, the near Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Their scientists are exploring these resources and their interconnections, informing debate and decisions in government, industry and the community.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Scallop Fishermen’s Association of Tasmania

The Scallop Fishermen’s Association of Tasmania represents the best interests of Tasmanian scallop licensed operators.

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

School of BioSciences – Melbourne University

The School of BioSciences aims to be a leading international research centre. Each research area is filled with world-class experts addressing topics such as conservation and climate change, evolution and behaviour, genetics and development, marine biology or plant biodiversity.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA)

Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) is the national peak-body representing the Australian seafood industry as a whole. With members from the wildcatch, aquaculture and post-harvest sectors of the Australian seafood industry, they are the voice of Australian seafood.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Seafood Industry Victoria (SIV)

Seafood Industry Victoria (SIV) is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation. SIV is the representative peak body for the Victorian seafood industry, from professional fishers through to wholesale, processors and retail.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Shark Bay Prawn Trawler Operators’ Association

The Shark Bay Prawn Fishery is the largest prawn fishery in Western Australia and is Marine Stewardship Council certified.  The Shark Bay Prawn Trawler Operators’ Association is constantly working with leading scientists to maintain our status.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Small Pelagic Fishery Industry Association (SPFIA)

The Small Pelagic Fishery Industry Association represents the interests of Commonwealth-licensed operators in the Small Pelagic Fishery. The SPFIA aims to support the sustainable commercial development of the Small Pelagic Fishery through assisting members in their interactions with Government, regulators, scientists, stakeholders and the community.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)

The South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) provides research and development services to the state government, commercial clients and research partners to help make South Australia’s primary industries and regions internationally competitive and ecologically sustainable.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: All fisheries, Research providers

South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA)

The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association represents the interests of Commonwealth-licensed trawl fishermen in the South East Trawl Fishery and the East Coast Deepwater Trawl Sector. The Association’s strategy is to maximise membership, build a common culture of environmental stewardship and self-management and improve on-the-water practices.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

South-West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council

The South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (SWALSC) are a native title service provider to the Noongar people, who are the traditional owners of the south west of Australia. SWALSC works with members to progress the resolution of Noongar native title claims, while also advancing and strengthening Noongar culture, language, heritage and society.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Southern Fishermen’s Association

The Southern Fishermen’s Association was established in 1939 to represent the interests of Lakes and Coorong commercial fishers. The SFA has been proactive in promoting improved environmental management practices in the fishery.

Jurisdiction: South Australia
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Southern Shark Industry Alliance (SSIA) 

The SSIA seks to support its members whom rely on the sustainable harvesting of the Southern Shark Fishery resource by ethical and proffesional representation to the community.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Spencer Gulf & West Coast Prawn Fisherman’s Association

The Spencer Gulf & West Coast Prawn Fisherman’s Association is a non-profit Primary Resources Development Organisation that was formed in 1968 and was incorporated in South Australia on 14 February 1984. It represents the Spencer Gulf and West Coast Prawn Fishery licence holders. The Association’s business covers a diverse range of industry issues and activities, with a focus on pre and post prawn harvest.

Jurisdiction: South Australia
Sector: Commercial, Peak body


SUNFISH QLD represent all recreational anglers as well as members, and is the state’s peak recreational fishing group, consulting with all the major Statewide fishing organizations.

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Sustainable Shark Fishing Association (SSFA)

The Sustainable Shark Fishing Association (SSFA) represents the interests of its Commonwealth-licenced shark gillnet and shark hook members in the Gillnet Hook and Trap Fishery.

Jurisdiction: Commonwealth
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Sydney Fish Market

The Sydney Fish Market operates a wholesale auction and working fish market, hosting six seafood retailers offering Australia’s biggest variety of fresh seafood. It is the largest market of its kind in the southern hemisphere, trading over 100 different species of seafood each day.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Co-operative/fish market, Commercial

Sydney Institute of Marine Science

The Sydney Institute of Marine Science is a partnership between Macquarie University, the University of NSW, the University of Sydney and the University of Technology, Sydney. The partnership is enhanced by collaborations with several state and federal government departments, and the Australian Museum.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: All fisheries, research consortium


TARFish are the government recognised, fully independent peak body set up to represent Tasmania’s recreational fishers. Their goal is to protect, promote and create sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and safe fishing for the benefit.

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC) represents the political and community development aspirations of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community.

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: Community body, Indigenous

Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishermen’s Association

The Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishermen’s Association (TRLFA) is the peak commercial fishing body recognised under the Act for the rock lobster fishery.

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council (TSIC)

The Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council (TSIC) is the peak body representing the interests of wild capture fishers, marine farmers and seafood processors in Tasmania. The council works in conjunction with the industry sector groups to ensure that all sectors of the industry are ecologically sustainable and make an ongoing contribution to the Tasmanian economy, particularly in regional areas.

Jurisdiction: Tasmania
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

The Abalone Council Victoria

The Abalone Council Victoria was established to lead and manage commercial stakeholders to secure a financially viable, environmentally sustainable, progressive and growing abalone industry. They are the peak body representing the wild harvest abalone sector in Victoria, uniting the Western Abalone Divers Association, Abalone Victoria Central Zone, Eastern Zone Abalone Industry Association and the Victorian Abalone Processors Association.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Tiwi Land Council

The Tiwi Land Council represents all Tiwi people in the protection of theirland, sea and environment, while at the same time supporting sustainable economic development to improve Tiwi lives through employment, income, education and health opportunities.

Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

Torres Shire Council (TSC)

The Torres Shire Council through community consultation focuses on the promotion of community values together with the improvement of the quality of lifestyle whilst ensuring efficiency of servicing and protection of the environment.

Jurisdiction: Torres Strait
Sector: Community body, Indigenous

Torres Strait Island Regional Council (TSIRC)

The Torres Strait Island Regional Council (TSIRC) is Australia’s most northern municipality, representing 15 unique island communities, spread across 42,000km2 of sea, and an international border with Papua New Guinea. They manage the treaty agreement between the border of mainland Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Jurisdiction: Torres Strait
Sector: Community body, Indigenous

Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority

The Protected Zone Joint Authority (PZJA) is responsible for management of commercial and traditional fishing in the Australian area of the Torres Strait Protected Zone (TSPZ) and designated adjacent Torres Strait waters.

Jurisdiction: Torres Strait
Sector: Commercial and Indigenous, Management authority

Tuna Australia

Tuna Australia represents statutory fishing right owners, holders, fish processors and sellers, and associate members of the eastern and western tuna and billfish fisheries of Australia. The goal of Tuna Australia is to plan, invest and manage the association to improve representation of the fishery.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

United Ngunnawal Elders Council (UNEC)

The United Ngunnawal Elders Council (UNEC) is a significant Aboriginal body providing advice to the ACT Government in relation to heritage and connection to land matters for the Ngunnawal people. UNEC also provides advice to the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body in accordance with section 9 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body (ATSIEB) Act 2008.

Jurisdiction: ACT
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils

University of Sydney – Marine Studies Institute

The Marine Studies Institute (MSI) is the public face of marine science at the University of Sydney, where past and present students and community members can extend their knowledge on courses, events and scientific exploits and breakthroughs. This platform promotes innovative cross-disciplinary marine research that can be applied to national and international investigations.

Jurisdiction: NSW
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

University of Western Australia Oceans Institute

The University of Western Australia’s Oceans Institute brings together the University’s multidisciplinary research strengths across areas including oceanography, ecology, engineering, resource management and governance to address key ocean challenges. They work with local, state and federal governments, industry and business, research institutions and the community to help generate solutions towards the sustainable use of ocean resources.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: All fisheries, Universities

Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA)

The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) is an independent statutory authority established to effectively manage Victoria’s fisheries resources.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: All fisheries, Management authority

Victorian Marine and Coastal Council

The Victorian Marine and Coastal Council is the state’s peak advisory body about coastal and marine issues. It was established under the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 to provide independent advice on marine and coastal issues to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: All fisheries, Peak body

Victorian Scallop Fishermen’s Association (VSFA)

The Victorian Scallop Fishermen’s Association represents the interests of scallop fishermen operating within Australia’s south east. Members hold entitlement to operate within the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery, the Victorian Scallop Fishery and the Tasmanian Scallop Fishery.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Commercial, Peak body


VRFish is the peak body advocating for and representing Victorian recreational fishers. VRFish have a representative network of individual fishers and fishing clubs and associations across Victoria working collaboratively for the benefit of our recreational fisheries

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Peak body, Recreational

Western Abalone Divers Association (WADA)

WADA represent fishers divers and quota owners of the Western Zone Abalone Fishery.

Jurisdiction: Victoria
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Western Australia Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC)

WAFIC is the peak industry body representing professional fishing, pearling and aquaculture enterprises as well as processors and exporters in Western Australia. They work to secure a responsible and sustainable industry that is confident of resource sustainability and security of access to a fair share of the resource; cost-effective fisheries’ management; that businesses can be operated in a safe, environmentally responsible and profitable way; and that investment in industry research and development is valued and promoted.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Western Australian Marine Science Institute

The Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) is a collaboration of state and federal government and academic science organisations working together to provide independent marine research for the benefit of the environment, the community and the Blue Economy.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: All fisheries, research consortium

Western Rock Lobster

Western Rock Lobster (WRL) is the peak industry body representing the interests of the Western Rock Lobster Fishery. The WRL represents industry on a range of issues including changes to the management system; preparing submissions to Government on behalf of the industry; sourcing funding for industry projects; and attending meetings and lobbying the Government on behalf of MFL holders.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Wildcatch Fisheries SA

Wildcatch Fisheries South Australia Inc. (WFSA) is the peak industry body representing professional fishers in South Australia.

Jurisdiction: South Australia
Sector: Commercial, Peak body

Women’s Industry Network Seafood Community (WINSC)

The Women’s Industry Network Seafood Community (WINSC) is a not-for-profit, independent network and is the only national organisation in Australia that represents women in the Seafood Industry.  It is a unique network that covers the tough, high-tech world of commercial fishing, the cutting edge aquaculture, research and processing sectors along with policy and resource management with an aim to enhance the role of women in the seafood industry.

Jurisdiction: All
Sector: Commercial, Community body

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation

Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation is the native title representative body for the Traditional Owners of the Pilbara, Midwest, Murchison and Gascoyne regions of Western Australia.  They run a number of ranger programs that have included seagrass restoration, marine park patrols, raised remote underwater video surveys and turtle and shore bird monitoring.

Jurisdiction: Western Australia
Sector: Indigenous, Indigenous land councils


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